Wednesday, October 16, 2024

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Bangladesh’s Interim Leader Yunus: Reforms Come First, No Rush to Elections

PoliticsBangladesh's Interim Leader Yunus: Reforms Come First, No Rush to Elections

Bangladesh’s acting leader, Muhammad Yunus, stated in a recent interview with the Prothom Alo daily that major reforms must be completed before any elections can be conducted, implying that elections will not be held anytime soon. This declaration follows the August removal of former prime minister Sheikh Hasina as a result of large-scale demonstrations organized by students.

Key Points:

  • Yunus, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, was appointed as “chief advisor” after Hasina’s removal.
  • He leads a caretaker government tasked with restoring democratic institutions.
  • Yunus stressed the importance of reforms over rushing to hold elections.
  • The interim leader inherited a “completely broken down” system of public administration.

Reforms Before Elections Are Essential

Yunus made it clear that while his administration is not aiming to stay in power for an extended period, holding immediate elections would be premature.

“If you say, hold the election, we are ready to hold the election. But it would be wrong to hold the election first,”

he stated. The 84-year-old microfinance pioneer emphasized that comprehensive reforms are necessary to prevent a return to autocracy.

The Need for Reforms to Avoid Past Abuses

The interim leader’s stance comes against the backdrop of Sheikh Hasina’s 15-year rule, which was marked by:

  • widespread violations of human rights.
  • Political opponents are being killed extrajudicially and held in large numbers.
  • A UN investigation claims that there were more than 600 deaths in the weeks preceding Hasina’s removal.
  • Charges of turning the civil service and judiciary into political arenas.
  • Allegations of staging unfair elections.

Reforms, according to Yunus, are essential to preventing the abuses of the past from happening again.

“Reforms mean we will not allow a repetition of what happened in the past,”

he stated.

Addressing Criticism Through Judicial Reforms

The caretaker government has been under fire for detaining a large number of lawmakers, high-ranking police personnel, and Hasina supporters on suspicion of murder. In support of these measures, Yunus claimed that after the legal system is improved, the government would not meddle in any criminal prosecutions.

Media Freedom and Transparency Amid Reforms

Reporters Without Borders has denounced the detention of at least 25 journalists since Hasina’s resignation as “systematic judicial harassment,” but Yunus reaffirmed on his commitment to media freedom.

“Unless you write, how will we know what is happening or not happening?”

he said, urging journalists to write openly and critically.

Reforms First, Then Elections: Looking Ahead

The goal of Bangladesh’s transitional phase is to re-establish democratic institutions by enacting the necessary reforms. Election dates are still unknown, but Yunus and his caretaker government seem determined to deal with the structural problems that beset the previous government before announcing fresh polling.

Both the international community and the people of Bangladesh will be keeping a close eye on the interim government as it attempts to strike a compromise between the urgent need for reform and the quick return to democratic rule. The future course of Bangladesh’s political system and its journey towards restored democracy will be largely determined by events that transpire in the next few months.

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